16 Apr 10 Workplace Safety Tips
10 Workplace Safety Tips
Workplace safety is important and essential to a positive, effective, and efficient work environment. Businesses of all shapes and sizes need workplace safety routines and protocols to ensure all employees are safe, secure, and out of harm’s way. At Creation World Safety, your local Torrance and Los Angeles, CA safety specialists, we understand that workplace safety can be the difference between business success and business failure. We want to give you the tools to create a positive, safe workplace environment and to train your employees on the importance of their daily safety. Our corporate safety training team has the top ten tips to help your company achieve workplace safety and continually keep your employees from injury or accident.
1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings & General Precautions
This first piece of advice may seem like common sense, but after you’ve been on the job for a while, it can be a nice reminder to keep yourself and your team safe. Our Torrance safety team wants all of your employees to be aware of their surroundings, know the general risk of the job they are working on, and how to avoid hazardous or dangerous situations. Ideally, by doing your job correctly, you should be safe at all times. Remember to follow correct procedures, be attentive while working, and if there are any doubts, never hesitate to contact your supervisor or manager for guidance or additional training.
2. Safety In Teams
First and foremost, your safety is your personal responsibility. Keep yourself safe by following the rules in place by your organization. Secondly, keep your fellow employees and team members safe by ensuring they follow protocol. Talk to your teammates, make sure they fully understand the job at hand and what to do if a dangerous situation occurs. If you see a team member practicing unsafe workplace habits, let them know. Communication is one of the most important safety tools we have when working in a team. After communicating the mistake or problem, teach and practice correct safety routines with your team members and assist anyone who is new to the job or work environment.
3. Take Regular Breaks to Keep Yourself Healthy
Many workplace injuries or accidents occur when employees are tired, dehydrated, stressed, or burnout. As your local Los Angeles corporate safety team, we want to avoid this at all cost. We recommend taking consistent and regular breaks. Breaks will allow you to stay hydrated, fuel your body, have a rest from strenuous work, and keep a clear head. Encourage your teammates to take regular breaks as well, this way your team will stay fresh and focused while working.

4. Lifting Safety
This is another tip that may seem like a no-brainer, but is incredibly important to practice and repeat constantly. Whenever you or another team member are lifting heavy objects, always keep the correct posture to protect your back and avoid injury. If you need help or assistance, never hesitate to ask other team members or use machinery if available. Incorrect lifting is one of the most common workplace injuries, yet it is completely avoidable!
5. Use Machinery to Protect Yourself
Better yet, use a machine or mechanical aide to assist when lifting any type of heavy object or material. For many jobs, you can use a wheelbarrow, crank, or forklift to significantly lessen the burden on your body. If you do not have access to these machines, ask your supervisor if you believe it would help the job and improve the safety of your team.
6. Safety With Tools & Machinery
Many jobs require tools and machinery to finish a project. It is important to know that you should only use tools and machinery that you are authorized, trained, or certified to use. If you are not trained to use a specific tool, you will put yourself and others in danger. Always follow safety protocol when stowing tools or machinery to ensure they are put away properly for the next person to use.
7. Wear Proper Safety Equipment
No matter the job or business, all employees should ensure they are provided and wear the correct safety equipment. This may mean gloves, hats, protective clothing, and more. If you feel more safety equipment is necessary, please bring this to the attention of your supervisor. Also, safety equipment should be a constant topic of discussion through all safety trainings held within the company or performed by corporate safety specialists.

8.Report All Unsafe Conditions Immediately
If you notice any unsafe workplace conditions, report them immediately. It is our job as employees to keep the workplace safe for others. Fast acting adjustments may save yourself or a team member from injury.
9. Know Emergency Protocol & Exits
From your very first day on the job, make sure you know all emergency protocol and the location of all emergency exists. Keep these details in mind when performing any task, as all jobs have the potential to turn dangerous. Please also keep all emergency areas clear and accessible. That way, if an emergency does occur, you can quickly exit the area.
10. Be Alert
Ultimately, stay alert throughout the day and make sure your fellow teammates are also staying alert. Most injuries and accidents occur when we “slip up”, let the protocol slide, or are simply not paying attention. By staying alert, you can avoid hazardous situations for yourself and others!
Contact Creation World Safety For Corporate Workplace Safety Training Today!
For further questions or concerns about workplace safety, call Creation World Safety, your local Los Angeles and Torrance, CA safety training specialists. If you are interested in our safety courses or services, please never hesitate to contact us. We look forward to creating a safe and positive workplace environment for you and your business!
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